Children & Youth

Helping our children to know the love of Christ and learn to follow Him is a priority in the life our congregation.  One of our greatest joys is seeing God at work in children’s lives!


Nursery (0-2 Years)

During our Sunday services, St. Luke’s provides nursery care for infants and toddlers, as well as Sunday School for school-aged children.  Infants and toddlers can be signed into the nursery before service begins.  

Our nursery care workers and Sunday School teachers have all undergone background checks and Ministry Safe training. 

Children’s Church (Pre-School and Elementary School Ages)

School-aged children who wish to go to Sunday School begin the service with their parents during the singing of opening songs and the welcome time.  A blessing is then prayed over the children, and they are invited to accompany our Children’s Minister downstairs for Sunday School.  They are escorted back to their parents in the sanctuary before Communion time. 

Our nursery care workers and Sunday School teachers have all undergone background checks and Ministry Safe training. 


Middle School & High School

Middle School and High School students participate in Sunday service with their families and can attend Youth Group meetings and activities, led by our Youth Pastor and young adult volunteers, on Sunday afternoons.

Our youth workers have also all undergone background checks and Ministry Safe Training

Our Children’s Minister:
Hope Milian

Our Youth Pastor:
Eric Overholt